Yurt Dışı Yayınlarım (SCI, SSCI ve AHCI)

  1. Ortuğ, G and B. Moriggl: Untersuchungen über die Topoğraphie der A. maxillaris innerhalb der Fossa infratemporalis. (Studies about the topography of the maxillary artery within the infratemporal fossa), Anatomischer Anzeiger, Jena 1991;172:197-202.
  2. F. Yücel, I. Akdoğan, G. Güven, and G. Ortuğ: SEM examination of the dorsal lingual papillae of pregnant rats. Annals of Anatomy, 2002; 184: 251-255.
  3. Ortuğ G: A new device for measuring mastication force (Gnathodynomometer). Annals of Anatomy, 2002; 184: 393-396.
  4. Ortuğ, G., Yücel, F., Ay, H.: The role of Austrian physicians and Prof. Joseph Hyrtl (1810-1894) on modernization of Otoman-Türkish medicine. Annals of Anatomy, 2003; 185(6):593-596.
  5. Ortuğ, G., Ortuğ, C., and Türkmenoğlu, I.: Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination of the incudomalleal (IM) Joint in dogs. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2005; 29(2):345-351.
  6. Ortuğ, G., Ortuğ, C., and Gündüz, T.: Clinical implication of vascular and dimensional aspects of the cricothyroid space in Turkish population. Saudi Medical Journal, 2005; 26(5):718-722.
  7. Ulupınar, E., Yucel, F., and Ortuğ, G.: The effects of prenatal stress on the Purkinje cell neuorogenesis. Neurotoxicol Teratology. 2006; 28(1): 86-94.
  8. Ortug, G., Ortug, C., and Aydar, Y.: Configurations of Incudostapedial Joint Surface, An SEM Study. The FASEB Journal. 2006; 20:A442: 305.5.
  9. Kurt, A., Ortuğ, C., Aydar ,Y., and Ortuğ, G.: An incidence study on Thyroglossal duct cysts in adults. Saudi Medical Journal, 2007; 28(4): 593-597.
  10. Türkmenoğlu, I., Yucel, F., and Ortug, G. et al.: A morphometric analysis of the cerebellar cortex in the chinchilla. Indian Veterinary Journal 2007; 84(5):500-503.
  11. Burukoğlu D., Ortug G : Relationship between palm flexion lines and craniofacial profile structure in adults. The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2010; 21(1):252-7.
  12. Yücel F, Yaman SO, Özbabalık D,  Özkan S, Ortuğ G, Özdemir G: measurements of MRI findings in patients with Alzheimer’s. disease. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2014; 23(1): 91-96.
  13. Kopuz, C., and  Ortug, G. (2016). Variable Morphology of the Hyoid Bone in Anatolian Population: Clinical Implications-A Cadaveric Study. International Journal of Morphology, 34(4), pp. 1396-1403.
  14. Ortug, G., Ortug, A., Kurt, N. K. (2018). Miratü’lEbdan Fi Teşrih-i Azaül-İnsan: first printed illustrated anatomy book in Ottoman-Turkish medicine. Folia Morphologica, 77(4), pp. 764-770.
  15. Sahin E., Ortug G., Ortug A. (2018). Does cigarette smoke exposure lead to histopathological alterations in the olfactory epithelium? An electron microscopic study on a rat model. Ultrastructural Pathology,42(5), pp. 440-447 .
  16. Ortug G, Ignak S., Ortug A. (2018). Characteristics of lingual papillae in diabetic rats. Morphologie, 102(339), pp. 250-254, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.morpho.2018.08.003
  17. Sesen NA., Ortug A., Ortug G. (2018) A dissection based study of the dimensions of the thyroid cartilage in Anatolian population.  Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 123 (3): 297-303 (Tıp Fakültesi Birinci Sınıf Öğrencisi Nujen Arya Şeşen’in Dr.Ortuğ yönetiminde yaptığı çalışmadır.)
  18. Ipsalali H.O., Ciftci A.C., Kilic D., Sendemir G., Seyhan S., Kaya I.,Kutay S., Ortug G. (2019) Variations of the 6th Cranial Nerve (Nervus Abducens) in the Petroclival Region: A Microsurgical Study, Morphologie, Jun;103(341 Pt 2):103-109. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2019.01.001  (Tıp Fakültesi Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Dr.Ortuğ yönetiminde yaptıkları çalışmadır.)
  19. Ortug G, Sipahi B, Ortug A, İpsalalı HO. Variations of the digastric muscle and accessory bellies- A study of gross anatomic dissections. Morphologie 2020 May;104(345):125-132 (Tıp Fakültesi İkinci Sınıf Öğrencisi Berna Sipahi’nin Dr.Ortuğ yönetiminde yaptığı çalışmadır.)
  20. Ortug, G., Liman, Z., & Ortug, A. (2020). A Dissectional Study of the Level of Anterior Commissure of the Larynx. Ear, Nose & Throat Journalhttps://doi.org/10.1177/0145561320931213
  21. Ortug G., Midi A., Elbizim DS., Karaot H., Yılık E., Uluışık IE.  Introducing children to anatomy: “Getting to know our bodies: The first step toward becoming a scientist”. Anatomical Sciences Education. (TUBITAK BT 4004/ 118B441)  https://doi.org/10.1002/ase.2019
  22. Onrat E., Uluışık IE., Ortug G. (2021) The left vertebral artery arising directly from the aortic arch. Translational Research in Anatomy   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tria.2021.100122
  23. Ortug, A., Uluışık, I. E., & Ortug, G. (2021). Anatomy education in Ottoman-Turkish veterinary schools during 19th century and Papier-Mache models. Morphologie.
  24. Karataban, P., Demirel, O., & Ortug, G. (2022). An investigation into the total mandibular length and its potential correlation with the intraoral forces. Translational Research in Anatomy27, 100176.
  25. Deniz S. Elbizim, Alpen Ortug, Zafer Liman and Gursel Ortug (2022). Nonmetric Variant of Anatolian Crania:A Preliminary Study. J Craniofacial Surg 2022;33:2677-2681
  26. Gursel Ortug and Haluk İşeri. Assessment of the Relation Between Craniofacial Tissue Profile-Morphology and Dermatoglyphics. J Craniofac Surg 2023,Jan-Feb;34(1):398-403.
  27. Uluisik, I.E; Elbizim, D.S; Ortug, G. A Microdissectional Study on Galen’s Anastomosis: Anatomical Perspective with Clinical Emphasis. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 72(4):p 290-294, Oct–Dec 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/jasi.jasi_86_23
  28. Anacur, B.; Savasir, E.; Gul, Z. & Ortug, G.(2025) Case report of a unilateral sternalis muscle: Integrating historical perspectives, literature review, and clinical significance. Int. J. Morphol., 43(1):218-225, 2025.